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(Titulação: 2019). Felipe Augusto Pinto-Vidal, Cleoni dos Santos Carvalho, Fábio Camargo Abdalla, Letícia Ceschi-Bertoli, Heidi Samantha Moraes Utsunomiya, Renan Henrique da Silva, Raquel Fernanda Salla, Monica Jones-Costa, Metabolic, immunologic, and histopathologic responses on premetamorphic American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) following exposure to lithium and selenium, Environmental Pollution, Volume 270, 2021, 116086, ISSN 0269-7491, QUALIS A1.
(Titulação: 2020). Letícia Ceschi-Bertoli, Felipe Augusto Pinto Vidal, Paulo José Balsamo, Fábio Camargo Abdalla. Comet assay protocol for Bombus atratus fat body and pericardial cells (Hymenoptera, bombini) at a safe concentration of mercury, Chemosphere, Volume 261,2020, 127752, ISSN 0045-6535, QUALIS A1.
(Titulação: 2020). Isabela Ferreira Fernandes, Heidi Samantha Moraes Utsunomiya, Bruno Serra de Lacerda Valverde, João Victor Cassiel Ferraz, Gabriel Hiroshi Fujiwara, Davi Marques Gutierres, Classius de Oliveira, Lilian Franco Belussi, Marisa Narciso Fernandes, Cleoni dos Santos Carvalho.
Ecotoxicological evaluation of water from the Sorocaba River using an integrated analysis of biochemical and morphological biomarkers in bullfrog tadpoles, Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802), Chemosphere, Volume 275, 2021, 130000, ISSN 0045-6535, QUALIS A1.
(Titulação: 2022). Michele Provase, Raquel Fernanda Salla, Cíntia Requião de Lima, Fábio Camargo Abdalla. Effects of mercury at field estimated concentration in brain of Bombus atratus (Hymenoptera: Bombini), Chemosphere, Volume 276, 2021, 130198, ISSN 0045-6535, QUALIS A1.
(Egresso Mestrado: 2019). Felipe Augusto Pinto-Vidal, Carvalho, C.d.S., Abdalla, F.C. et al.2021. Effects of lithium and selenium in the tail muscle of American bullfrog tadpoles (Lithobates catesbeianus) during premetamorphosis. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021). QUALIS A1.
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